Bindu Chakra

We have heard everything about seven chakras namely the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow and the crown chakra but least information is given regarding the Bindu chakra. Bindu means focus, point or a dot and it is approximately placed near at the point on the back of the head. This the point where…

What Is Hatha Yoga?

Hatha Yoga is the union of the opposite pairs. The word ‘Ha’ means the Sun and ‘Tha’ means Moon. It also called forceful yoga because it requires the practice of various physical exercises or asanas of different types. Hatha yoga is mainly for the purpose of physical purification, which ultimately leads to mental purification. This…

What Is Bhakti Yoga?

Bhakti yoga is virtually and purely a spiritual devotion. It is devotion towards God who is supreme and known for his love for all. Bhakti means everything is divine and our ego is meaningless. Bhakti yoga is considered which makes it easier to have direct merger with worldly consciousness. We are blessed with undivided unison…

What Is Jnana Yoga?

Jnana Yoga is meant for Gyana Yoga. Which stands for ‘knowledge’ in Sanskrit. It is especially for those who have got strong mental and intellectual abilities. This yoga emphasizes on the true knowledge of self and our strong desire to be spiritual. Our ignorance put hindrances before us to achieve salvation and the main purpose…

What Is Karma Yoga?

Karma yoga can simply described as ‘Selfless Service’, when our ego is surrendered before God. It is related to man, animal and plants as well. Karma also means to choose the right path to do right things. Personal religion is followed and the destiny is accepted as everything in life. All the acts which are…

What is Raja Yoga?

Raja yoga means a royal or kingly action. By this yoga we try to bring balance between our mind and emotions to focus on the God. This makes the meditation to focus on the center of our forehead to achieve the ultimate. Our energy is balanced throughout the brain and body to have a feeling…